Found 2 blog entries tagged as real estate blog.

Neighbourhood Homes


The demand in Cranbrook is driven by a combination of local residents, those moving for employment opportunities, and investors. Its role as a regional center means there's consistent demand for both residential and commercial properties.

In Invermere, the demand is heavily influenced by seasonal fluctuations and the second-home market. Buyers are often looking for vacation properties or retirement homes. The seasonal nature of demand can lead to fluctuations in market activity, with peaks typically in spring and summer.


Invermere’s real estate market is often characterized by higher prices due to its popularity as a vacation and lifestyle destination. The demand for properties close to recreational amenities such as the…

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Is your home office the dining room table? Is it anywhere you can sit down undisturbed with your laptop? If so, you might be interested in converting a room or nook into a dedicated home office. Depending on what you do for a living, there could be a tax advantage to creating this space too. 

The first step is to pick a spot. Ideally, you want an area where you can work without too many distractions. 

Next, make sure the spot you’ve chosen can accommodate a desk and any other furnishings you’ll need. Think about what you want within easy reach of your work area. Will you need a place for books and other papers? An extra chair for client meetings? A flipchart? A filing cabinet? Think about all of the options in advance. 

Then, you’ll want to make…

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