Found 4 blog entries tagged as Sales.

Real Estate Market Value

The concepts of Market Value and Purchasing Price!

Market Value

  • Market Value, often referred to as Fair Market Value, is the estimated amount for which a property or an item would trade in a competitive and open market environment.
  • It reflects the price that a willing buyer and a willing seller, both having reasonable knowledge of all relevant facts and neither being under any compulsion to buy or sell, would agree upon.
  • Market value can fluctuate based on demand, economic conditions, and other market dynamics.  

Purchasing Price ( Purchase Price ) 

  • The Purchasing Price is the actual amount paid for a product or service at the time of buying. It is the cost at which someone acquires an asset, commodity, service, or…

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Black Friday

ATB Economics | November 27, 2020

A little Black Friday trivia


It being “Black Friday” today, The Owl is taking a break from its usual Alberta-focused statistical content to share a little trivia about “the busiest shopping day of the year.” (Please note that the references to Thanksgiving are to the U.S. holiday rather than Canadian Thanksgiving.)

1. What was the first department store to advertise a post-Thanksgiving sale?
2. What percentage of Americans shopped (either in person or online) on Black Friday 2019?
3. What percentage of Black Friday shoppers in the U.S. admit to…

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