Found 6 blog entries tagged as Vacation.

Real Estate Market Value

The concepts of Market Value and Purchasing Price!

Market Value

  • Market Value, often referred to as Fair Market Value, is the estimated amount for which a property or an item would trade in a competitive and open market environment.
  • It reflects the price that a willing buyer and a willing seller, both having reasonable knowledge of all relevant facts and neither being under any compulsion to buy or sell, would agree upon.
  • Market value can fluctuate based on demand, economic conditions, and other market dynamics.  

Purchasing Price ( Purchase Price ) 

  • The Purchasing Price is the actual amount paid for a product or service at the time of buying. It is the cost at which someone acquires an asset, commodity, service, or…

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Dream Vacation | MaxWell Realty

MaxWell Realty Inc. is pleased to offer this fun and exciting no obligation $5,000 sweepstakes contest. No Purchase Required. 1 Prize will be awarded of $5,000 CDN in January of each year. Odds of winning are based on number of entries received. See full contest rules for details below. To add additional excitement to the sweepstakes, we are holding additional prize draws from our partners every month! Follow our social channels for monthly draw results! Terms and conditions: TaraKennedy_DreamVacation

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August Long Weekend


In 1974, the Government of Alberta, acting through Minister of Culture Horst A. Schmid, declared the first Monday in August an annual holiday to recognize and celebrate the varied cultural heritage of Albertans, known as "Heritage Day". This gave rise in 1976 to the Edmonton Heritage Festival, a three-day celebration of food, dance, and handicrafts of cultures from around the world. Heritage Day is not a statutory holiday but is often celebrated as such. TaraKennedy_HeritageDay

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 Buying a Recreational Property

Spending time at a cottage or recreational property can be a great idea. Not only do you have the conveniences of home, but you feel you are on a vacation whenever you need to get away.

However, there are a few things to consider when looking to purchase a recreational property.

  • Can you financially afford a second property? Ensure that you have a solid plan in place, and know where the down payment will be coming from. 
  • How will you make the monthly mortgage payments? Will the monthly payments leave you house poor, or will you be able to save enough for repairs, maintenance, and enjoying life? 
  • Keep in mind that CMHC will not allow anyone to take advantage of their program when buying a second…

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Heritage Day In Alberta - August Long Weekend

In 1974 the Alberta Government declared the first Monday of August an annual holiday to recognize and celebrate the varied cultural heritage of Albertans.

That year and again in 1975, a multicultural concert was held at Fort Edmonton Park to celebrate Heritage Day.

In 1976 11 ethno-cultural communities banded together in Edmonton’s Hawrelak Park to display their cultures’ traditional cuisine, entertainment, interpretive materials, and crafts.

This occasion marked the early days of the Edmonton Heritage Festival, which plays an important role in promoting Alberta’s heritage.

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Preparing Your Home When Going on Vacation

It’s always a good idea to safe guard your home from unwanted pests, criminals, and other issues so you can enjoy a good vacation.

Friends and family: Let a friend and/or a family member know that you will be away and for how long. Have someone drop by to bring in the mail/flyers, and have them check the house for any issues, like leaks, odd smells, and any signs of potential issues. Have them drive by once a day.

Keep it to yourself: Do not announce your vacation time on social media as someone may be tipped off that you are leaving town. This would be a perfect opportunity for criminals to check out your house.

Security Company: If you have a security company that monitors your house alarm,…

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