Making efforts to reduce your energy use at home will reduce your impact on the environment, and with less energy consumed, it will also reduce your monthly energy bills. Here are some ideas for electrical projects that will decrease the amount of electricity you use at home:

Switch to energy efficient light bulbs.

If you’re still using traditional incandescent light bulbs, you’re wasting about 90% of the energy they produce in lost heat, not light. LED bulbs use only 20 to 25% of the energy incandescent bulbs use and they can last up to 25 times longer! LEDs are more expensive, but they have come down in price compared to what they used to be, and you will see a return on investment in energy savings in the long-term.

You can also…

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New listings coming onto the market continued to decline in June, which is helping to reduce the oversupply of homes in Calgary.

Year-over-year, new listings saw a decrease of nearly 19 per cent. Sales activity slowed this month compared to last year by six per cent, but the pullback in new listings was enough to cause inventories to fall by 13 per cent compared to last year’s elevated levels.

“So far, the housing market has generally behaved as expected this year. Sales activity remains just below last year’s levels, prices have eased and supply is starting to adjust to the lower level of sales,” said CREB® chief economist Ann-Marie Lurie.

“However, it is mostly product priced under $500,000 that is trending towards more balanced conditions.”

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Hello friends,

Today is an exciting day! I have thought and talked about starting this blog for a long time and finally I have taken the leap! I have been brainstorming and looking for ideas on what topics you might find interesting and informative. I thought that I better do this because I find almost any subject that relates to real estate very interesting although it might feel as dull as ditchwater to the rest of you. Thanks to those of you that were able to give me some great suggestions.  

I look forward to answering common questions, talking about some interesting and cutting edge home improvements, discussing different aspects of the real estate market as well as keeping you informed of exciting local events that are happening in and around…

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