With the high cost of necessities like food and gas, it’s no surprise that fun outings can take a back seat to essential purchases.

But there are a few tricks to help save on your favourite splurges even when you’re on a tight budget. Here are some ideas:

BYOB You might know the concept of “bring your own,” from party invitations, but with some variation it can help you save on an evening out. In fact, many restaurants now let you bring your own wine. They may charge an uncorking fee, but it will most likely still be cheaper than a restaurant bottle. See if it’s an option at your favourite place.

Pack a lunch Apply the bring your own concept to other events, like carry a picnic to your favourite attractions so you’re not forking out for…

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It’s interesting to note how so many things have their “season.” Hockey in the winter. Vacations in the summer. Gardening in the spring. Even retirement reportedly occurs more often in the fall than any other time of year.

To some extent, even real estate seems to have a season. The spring is traditionally an active time for home sales. But, does that mean you should wait until spring to list your home?

Here’s the reality...

Properties sell all year round. There are buyers actively looking for homes at all times of the year. In fact, there are bound to be buyers that would be interested in your home if you were to list it this month. While it’s true that the market may fluctuate throughout the year, with some months featuring higher or lower…

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Wondering how the real estate market is doing lately? Here are the July 2022 Monthly Statistics.

Give us a call or message if would like more info 403-681-0319


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(NC) Are you dreaming of your own little piece of paradise where you can spend summer days? With the skyrocketing price of gas and the complexities of pandemic travel, your vacation goals may have shifted a little closer to home in recent years, boosting the appeal of cottage ownership.

Here are some things to consider if you’re thinking of buying a cottage.

Start with a plan Not sure where to begin? To see if your dream is possible, try the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada’s free online financial goal calculator. By putting in a few numbers, you can create a snapshot of your current financial state and see if your plan is realistic based on your monthly income.

Time it wisely You may need to take some time to save up when it comes to buying a…

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 Seven Master Bedroom Staging Ideas

As you may know, staging involves setting up the furniture, art and accessories of each room so that, overall, your home looks as appealing as possible to buyers. It’s similar to what furniture stores do when they create displays of model bedrooms, kitchens, etc.

When you’re staging your home, the master bedroom is particularly important. Here are some simple staging tips worth trying:

1) Consider using mirrors to make the bedroom seem larger and more comfortable.

2) Put a new comforter on the bed.

3) Update the wattage or add a lamp if the lighting is dim. (Make sure lights are turned on during a viewing.)

4) Be ruthless when removing clutter from the room, particularly the closet. Don’t have anything stored under the bed.

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